Monday, April 27, 2009

Star plots

This example of a star plot map. This map is showing multiple data with each individual star representing on thing of data. This map is representing the 1979 automobile analysis.

Stem and leaf plot

This is an example of a stem and leaf plot depicting the infant mortality rate in western africa. The stem represents the first digit in the number sequence and the leaf is the second number.


This is an example of a histogram map charting the number of students along with average final exam scores. This map is shown by using a bargraph and labeling the bars by using different colors.

Parallel coordinate graph

This an example of a parallel coordinate graph. This map shows a numerous amount of information while still having similar ideas. The different lines are labled using different colors in order to try and make it easier to see it.

Triangular plot

This is an example of a triangular plot map showing the percentage of voting between the liberal democrat, labour vote, and conservative vote. This diagrahm, like all other triangular plots, contains three variables that all add up to one constant.


This is an example of a windrose map. This shows how wind speed and direction change and have to do with eachother.


This is an example of a climograph map. This map shows average weather for every month of the year by using both line and a bar graph. Contrasting colors are also used in order to be more visualy affective.